Junior cycle (lower secondary education) is a three year programme which is usually taken by students between the ages of 12/13 and 15/16 years.
Click here for Syllabuses and Prescribed Material (prescribed material comprises works of literature, art, music, etc. on which examination questions can be based)
While a majority of subjects are assessed as part of the Junior Certificate Examination, junior cycle also includes a number of subjects that are an important part of the curriculum, but are not formally assessed in this way.
English, Irish, Maths, History, Geography, Science
Physical Activity, Religious Education and SPHE.
Following a two-week opportunity to sample each of the option subjects, students choose two of the following: Music or Technical Graphics, Home Economics or Engineering, Art or Woodwork. Business Studies and French are studied by all students for one year. Students then choose between either business studies or French in Second Year.
All the learning textbooks are provided for students with the Schools Book Rental Scheme, except for some workbooks.