The Transition Year (TY) is a One-Year programme that forms the first year of a three-year senior cycle. All students are expected to complete the Transition Year programme. It is designed to act as a bridge between the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate programmes.
Transition Year offers learners an opportunity to mature and develop without the pressure of any State Examinations. It also provides an opportunity for learners to reflect on, and experience, an appreciation for the ever-changing demands of the adult world of work.
English, Irish, Maths.
Transition Year students will engage in Work Experience outside the school setting through the academic year.
French, Art, Technical Graphics, Engineering, Music, Woodwork, Home Economics, Enterprise, GAA Leadership, Life Skills, Wellbeing, Key Moments in History, Geography, Computers, Yoga, Actvities, Physical Education.
All the learning textbooks are provided for students with the Schools Book Rental Scheme, except for some workbooks.